Professional Weddings Photography and Wedding Films is one of our specialties. Check out the Same Day Edit wedding film below. This video was shown at the reception for Kelly and Rawly’s wedding. Contact us to talk about our professional wedding photography and video packages.
Paper Street Enterprise LLC. Home Base in Wallowa County. Click Here to see our Wedding Photography and Wedding Films. Click here to see our Commercial work. Contact us anytime to talk about your next project or wedding celebration.
Enterprise, Oregon; Wallowa County; NE Oregon and beyond. We have our studio downtown Enterprise, Oregon, one of the five small towns in Wallowa County which nestles in the NE corner of Oregon. Surrounded by Hells Canyon and the Eagle Cap Wilderness makes for adventuring out our back door available year round.
We do film schools!
For the past several years, we have had the pleasure of sharing our knowledge with others in our film schools. If you would like us to do an exclusive film school in your area, contact us! Otherwise, stay tuned for our next school here in the Pacific North West.
We are passionate about life. We are passionate about our clients content. Click here to see our work. Capturing the beauty and adventures we get to experience on our journey is a blessing we try and pay back with our craft. Click here to see what our clients have said about working with us.
Our Film School Mission is to share our knowledge and help you realize your film-making dreams. Fill out the Form, tell us about yourself, let us know what your level of experience is and what you hope to learn. Click here to watch films from previous Film Schools.
We are committed to our community and the people who live here. We are passionate about what we do. A creative film making company, we have the expertise to create film of the highest professional level on multiple subjects. Hunting, Weddings, Documentaries, and Promotional Films. Read this article in the local newspaper The Chieftain about us.
Snook mafia is a premiere outfitter out of Puerto Vallarta. Contact them for an adventure of a lifetime.
2019 marked our fourth year to travel to New Zealand. We partner with New Zealand Horn and Antler Safaris owned and operated by Craig and Jenny Dempster. Book your dream hunt and let us film your adventure. If you prefer to visit NZ and vacation instead, a custom vacation awaits. Visit their website or follow on Facebook. Design your adventure.
Wallowa County has become a destination for visitors and one of the fastest growing Wedding Destinations in the NW. Contact us about our Wedding Coordinating services.
We are one of the few Wedding Film crews who can provide you with the unforgettable “Same Day Edit” for your day. SDE is produced the day of Wedding Celebration and shown at the Reception. We offer packages for Wedding photography and Wedding Video. Contact us with any question.
W are available to travel anywhere to film your Wedding. Contact us to save your 2024 Wedding Date.
Paper Street has become an Influencer on Amazon. We will help you be an informed shopper for camera gear and other life essentials.
Join us for one of our Film Schools. We will take you from the basics to pushing the “export” button of your own films. Click here to learn more and view final product produced by our students.
Our next Film School is on the calendar for February. More information coming shortly. Contact us with any questions.
Based in NE Oregon near the legendary small town of Joseph, we are passionate about filming, photography, and promoting your dream. We are a full service media production company. We specialize in Hunting, Outdoor Films, and Photography; Same Day Weddings Edits, Wedding Photography, and Wedding films; Business Promotional Packages and Documentaries. We have filmed and edited Sportsman Channel Outdoor Adventures, Wounded Warriors, Gladiators Unleashed, and The Most Wanted show. Ask us about the production of your dream. We love new projects.
The 2024 Wedding Season - coming soon!
Contact us to "Save Your Date"! We are available to travel anywhere to film your wedding.
If you are looking for the perfect Rustic/Chic Wedding Venue in NE Oregon, we are actively involved and very excited about The Evans Farm, located near Joseph, Oregon. We also offer Wedding Coordination and Consulting.
View our Wedding Films.
View our Promotions Films View our Wedding Films
Promote it! We provide the vision and tell your story
We will travel to your Dream Wedding Destination Our Same Day Edits stand alone in the industry!
~ Hunting Adventures ~
We travel anywhere filming adventure, those once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Check out Getting the Shot
We invite you to keep up with us on Facebook. Follow Grady K Rawls

We love helping promote Business! We are here to help any small business with media needs. Check out our Google Reviews to read our customers thoughts of working with Paper Street Enterprise.